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The power of affirmations


The power of our thoughts is undeniable. Every person has thousands of thoughts daily and about 80% of them are negative. Many people tend to think that they are not good enough to apply for a new job, ask for a promotion or many other things.

However, with significant effort, anyone can make his reality more positive and become more confident. The truth is that what we believe in becomes our reality. You can always turn your self-doubts and negative thoughts into inspiring daily affirmations. In this article, I would like to tell you about the power of affirmations in details.


What are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements aimed at confronting the negative and destructive thoughts that sometimes inhabit your conscious and unconscious mind. They have a positive impact on your mood, behaviour and environment. Affirmations generate inspiring, motivating and encouraging images in your conscious mind. After some time, they are internalized by the unconscious mind. This leads to ultimate changes in your mood, actions and reactions.

The benefits of affirmations

Even if you spend five minutes a day reflecting on your best qualities, it can help reduce the level of stress. Positive affirmations calm you down, boost your confidence and decrease physical tension.  They motivate and encourage both conscious and unconscious mind. In addition, positive affirmations make you more optimistic, energetic and completely transform your life.


How to practice affirmations?

First, you can practice visualization. You need to create positive images in your mind. Imagine yourself in the future: imagine the way you want to be, the way you want to look, the way you want to behave or handle stressful situations and conflicts at work etc.

Second, you can practice writing. Write down your dreams in the form of affirmations. Return to your notes from time to time and evaluate your progress. You can also remember your personal affirmations and repeat them every day. In addition, you can repeat them standing in front of the mirror looking yourself in the eyes.

It is very important to use affirmations correctly. They are not silly as some people may think, they really work. Negative thoughts have a greater effect on our psychological and emotional state, that’s why if you have positive and negative thoughts at the same time, the negative ones will always prevail. Moreover, in some cultures, a negative outlook comes more naturally. If you want affirmations to work, change your whole perspective on life. You can’t just repeat them and hope that everything will magically change, instil new habits and values as well.

Make you more productive

When should you use affirmations?

If you want to change your life and make it more positive, it is the right time for affirmations. They may help you in many ways. For example, affirmations can:

  • Improve your self-esteem
  • Make you more productive
  • Boost your confidence before public speeches, important meetings, presentations or interviews
  • Help you procrastinate less and finish everything on time
  • Give you the confidence to learn something new
  • Form deeper connections or genuine relationships with people

How to create your own affirmations?

There is no certain rule on how you should make up your affirmations. The only thing you need to remember – they have to be specific, creative and positive. However, here are some tips that can be useful:

  • Think about something you don’t like about yourself or about your life, things that you would like to change. Write them down
  • Always set achievable and realistic goals. If you don’t believe in something – you won’t achieve it. If you have too many negative thoughts in your head, write them down. After, replace them with positive ones. If these negative thoughts come to your mind throughout the day, try to fight them with their positive replacements
  • Always write affirmations in the present tense, starting with the words “I am”, “I have”, “I can”. These words are extremely powerful.
  • Have a positive mindset and make positive affirmations. The cup is always half full, not half empty.
  • Keep them brief, be descriptive and specific
  • Use verbs ending with –ing
  • Say your affirmations with feeling, and then they will work. You should care about them and believe in them.

be useful

Tips for success

There are some other things to remember after you have written down all the affirmations:

  • Be consistent, repeat your affirmations on a daily basis
  • The best time for affirmations is the yearly morning. After you wake up, say them as soon as you can. This way, you will start your day with positive
  • Say affirmations right before going to bed. You will have positive thoughts on your mind, your unconscious will solidify them overnight
  • Do this for at least 30 days in a row. Then, it will become a habit
  • Pair affirmations with meditations, journaling or drinking a cup of warm tea; they will be even more effective this way
Alessandro Rocco Pietrocola is an entrepreneur, fintecher, investor, blogger and author based in London and operating mainly in Europe, Asia and Oceania with main focus on UK, Baltic Countries, Russia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, UAE, Middle East and New Zealand as area of interest! At the moment is the CEO of Astorts Group. He is an UK FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) and NZ FSPR (Financial Service Provider Register) Approved Person and has great experience as director of regulated companies.
He uses to dedicate part of his life to inspire others and help them achieve the most out of their lives. Since he was 20, he had successfully founded and managed several companies operating in the field of management consulting, wealth management and fintech. He is Member of Institute of Directors in London, Member of Changer Club in Riga, Member of Fintech Association of Hong Kong, Member of Singapore Fintech Association, Member of Non Executive Director Association in London and Member of Alumni Network of Draper University in San Francisco. He loves travelling, he is a cigars lover, an amateur golfer and a dapper man.

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