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What is the DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging) strategy

How to avoid or significantly reduce your investment losses when investing? Let’s take a closer look at how DCA works […]

stock market

Asian stock market news

Asian stocks are mostly positive. Are you an investor and follow the market news? Then read on how to invest […]

Chinese money

Should you take a portfolio of Chinese stocks?

Chinese stocks: is it worth taking their portfolio? Read in my article the features of the Chinese stock market, its […]


Top 10 most expensive stocks

In the modern world, almost everyone is familiar with the concept of a stock. Investing in shares of large growing […]


Financial scandal around Robinhood and Gamestop explained

Crypto-friendly platform Robinhood is at the epicenter of a financial scandal that threatens to overhaul Wall Street’s market practices. The […]

Mistakes when investing

5 deadly mistakes when investing

Do you have experience in investing? If investing attracts you – read my article about common investment mistakes to avoid […]

long-term investing

Basic guide to short term and long-term investing

If you wish to invest your money and don’t know what strategy to choose, then read my guide about optimal investing strategy and you will have better understanding in it!

11 most popular stocks with the world’s biggest investors

Lately Facebook announced about issuance of its own cryptocurrency.

investment income

What investment income do you need to retire at 35?

Do you want to quit your job and never work again? Have you ever wondered how much money do you actually need to quit a job and live by your investment income? So read my article where I explain all calculations!

Basic things about Angel Investing you should know

My subscribers often ask me questions about angel investing and I want to share with you the most frequent ones.