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four-day working week

Japan proposes four-day working week to improve work-life

Japan, known for its tough work culture, is making changes to the standard working week that would have been difficult […]

start a business in Hong Kong

How to start a business in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the PRC. Due to its location, minimal corruption, loyal and competent […]

Top 10 best countries

Top 10 best countries to register your business

Registering a foreign (offshore) company can offer some serious advantages. Especially if your business is independent of your location, has […]


Business trends and predictions for 2021

Time does not stand still, the digital revolution has already taken place, and the world of fintech tirelessly pleases us […]


What to do if your business fails? Top effective ways to reactivate it

Business involves a constant risk. Sometimes entrepreneurs may fail, and failure is a part of everyday life, but a fundamental […]

Disadvantages of Doing Business in China

An opportunity to operate a business in China is highly attractive for investors. In my previous articles I explained a […]

5 things for business

5 things you have to know if you want to launch a business soon

If you are going to launch a new business soon or have an idea of your startup, then read this […]

Powerful Instagram tips to promote your business

Lately Facebook announced about issuance of its own cryptocurrency.

Business Ideas you can start online with minimum budget

If you are wondering what can you do online having minimum budget and avoiding startup costs, inventory, office, etc., then read this article – I share with you my top low investment business ideas!

How to do a business survival plan

To lead a company, it is essential to have a detailed business plan to avoid any losses. Read how to do it in this article!