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Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes. What makes SMM ineffective?


We live in the digital era where 45% of the world's population are active users of social networks. If your business has no sales, there are chances that you are running social media ineffectively. Read my article for a list of common SMM mistakes.

Business and social media

It is not surprising that SMM is the main tool for a company to enter the market, increase brand presence and sales.

A huge number of users are looking for products or services in social networks. This gave rise to the development of a huge number of micro-businesses (online schools, shops, etc.), which no longer need to use high-quality websites, expensive advertising campaigns in the media. It is enough to have a good quality page using right marketing and SMM strategies.

social marketing

Top social media mistakes

1) So, the first mistake is the lack of an SMM strategy. Even if you have applied all modern promotion mechanisms, be it mass following, the inclusion of viral content or the use of low-frequency hashtags, but did it haphazardly, without having a clear plan, then you will hardly get the desired result. Subsequently, you will not be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the tools you use, analyze the result, detect errors and optimize work to improve performance.

2) The second mistake is an ineffective presence on all social networks at once. If you cannot clearly answer why you need so many different channels at once, it means that you do not have a clear portrait of your target consumer, and you do not adapt the content for each platform. Better to have one account but maintain the quality.

3) The third mistake is ignoring trends. Marketers have already noted that the inclusion of video content increases customer engagement and increases loyalty. If you don't have the resources to edit the video, you can use the live-video format.

4) Ignoring engagement. Let's not forget that the buyer wants not only to purchase but to have fun. No need to overload the page with selling posts and information with no emotions. Diversify your content for a narrower target audience.

5) Another mistake is the fear of long texts. SMM has long since moved away from the strict 1000-word framework. Users are ready to read the long text under the post if it is interesting and the idea is complete.

6) The fifth mistake is the use of someone else's content. It is much easier to take a picture from the Internet, but it will not make your profile unique in any way. Better to make and use your own photos or pay a designer.

7) Ignoring your audience feedbacks. Personalize communication, respond to comments and reviews. A warm answer or an encouraging joke can appease the buyer, and he will more willingly return to your account again.

8) And the last mistake is to assume that SMM is easy. In fact, SMM is a serious marketing tool that requires a lot of attention and study.

This was a list of the main mistakes in social networking. Create advertising campaigns and do it effectively! I would be happy to answer any questions or submit your project to my team at Astorts Group for evaluation.

Alessandro Rocco Pietrocola is an entrepreneur and investor based in London and operating mainly in Europe, Asia and Oceania with main focus on UK, Baltic Countries, Russia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Middle East and New Zealand as area of interest! At the moment is the CEO of Astorts Group. He is an UK FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) Approved Person and is has great experience as director of regulated companies. He uses to dedicate part of his life to inspire others and help them achieve the most out of their life. Since he was 20, he had successfully founded and managed several companies operating in the field of management consulting, wealth management and fintech. He loves travelling, he is a cigars lover, an amateur golfer and a dapper man.


Please write me an email with your specific case or book a Skype call, my team and I will be more than happy to help you to find the best solution for your business need or to advice and support you to start the new business venture.

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