Creating the right set of marketing (selling) texts for the site, logically and consistently linking them together, guiding the visitor through the marketing funnel, is the main task of business texts.
Texts must convince. Including, when it comes to free content offered to the audience. People have to take a decision to spend their time to read your texts.
As David Ogilvy said: “Never create an ad that you would not want your family to see. You would not tell lies to your own wife. Don’t tell them to mine. ”
Sales text features
- represent a product / service / company,
- show the advantages and benefits of your products / services / company,
- remove potential objections
- talk about the conditions,
- give a clear indication of what needs to be done
- prompt to order / purchase / call / contact.
Structural elements of selling text
- catchy heading based on a problem of a customer or a solution, intriguing and engaging in reading,
- an offer which is the main advantage of your service or product,
- specific information - figures, facts, screenshots, examples,
- benefits instead of properties - not just a description of the quality of the goods, but the demonstration of specific benefits that the buyer receives when using,
- CTA (call to action) - “Call”, “Write”, “Order”, “Buy”, “Find out details”.
Marketing and sales experts often advise, “Find a customer’s pain and focus this point.” PMPHS model is on “pain” of the customer.
Our task is to find what is bothering the client right now - this is his pain. Finding the pain we can offer the right solution.
- Pain
- More Pain
- Hope
- Solution
In the text, we start the sentence with a person’s problem. Then we exaggerate it and at the peak we offer a solution presenting a product.
Texts must convince. Including, when it comes to free content offered to the audience. People have to take a decision to spend their time to read your texts.
As David Ogilvy said: “Never create an ad that you would not want your family to see. You would not tell lies to your own wife. Don’t tell them to mine. ”
Sales text features
- represent a product / service / company,
- show the advantages and benefits of your products / services / company,
- remove potential objections
- talk about the conditions,
- give a clear indication of what needs to be done
- prompt to order / purchase / call / contact.
Structural elements of selling text
- catchy heading based on a problem of a customer or a solution, intriguing and engaging in reading,
- an offer which is the main advantage of your service or product,
- specific information - figures, facts, screenshots, examples,
- benefits instead of properties - not just a description of the quality of the goods, but the demonstration of specific benefits that the buyer receives when using,
- CTA (call to action) - “Call”, “Write”, “Order”, “Buy”, “Find out details”.
Marketing and sales experts often advise, “Find a customer’s pain and focus this point.” PMPHS model is on “pain” of the customer.
Our task is to find what is bothering the client right now - this is his pain. Finding the pain we can offer the right solution.
- Pain
- More Pain
- Hope
- Solution
In the text, we start the sentence with a person’s problem. Then we exaggerate it and at the peak we offer a solution presenting a product.
Write for a specific person
There are no universal texts, just as there are no universal shirts or shoes. The text should be written for a specific person.
Surely your audience consists of many different people, but in any business there are at least 3-4 groups with unique characteristics. The main secret is that the text should be perceived as if it was written personally for a particular client. In large companies, a portrait of an ideal client is compiled and hung on the wall, and when compiling texts, marketers and copywriters turn to him. When writing selling texts you should always consider:
- What can bother your potential consumers?
- What are their goals and how do our products / services help to achieve them?
- What is the specificity of the communication style?
- How do they search for information, which online resources do they use?
Pay attention to the headline.
More than 80% of internet users decide to read the text due to an attractive headline.
Make the text comfortable to read
Undoubtedly, the text should be well designed. The main thoughts can be highlighted in bold, the headings in color, etc. It is important to comply with the measure. In this case, perhaps, you should be guided by the rule "the less, the better."
Authoritative sources of information and expertise
Having captured attention, it is necessary to confirm the facts mentioned, indicating their reliable source, inspiring unconditional trust. This technique is actively used by business in various fields.
Social evidence
In addition to statements about the usefulness of the product, it is important to confirm it with reviews from other people.
After the text, I always recommend placing reviews of other buyers.
Having demonstrated the value and all the benefits, it is necessary to let the consumer understand the algorithm of his further actions. For this, I use clear calls to action, CTA.
In this case, actions are understood as what the user must do after reading the text: call, click on the button, fill the form, etc.
It was a brief overview of selling texts. I hope this article will help you in compiling selling texts and not a single potential buyer will leave without making a purchase! Feel free to share it in the comments below! If you have your question, please write it below, I would be glad to answer your questions or to introduce your project to my team at Astorts Group to be evaluated.
Alessandro Rocco Pietrocola is an entrepreneur and investor based in London and operating mainly in Europe, Asia and Oceania with main focus on UK, Baltic Countries, Russia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Middle East and New Zealand as area of interest! At the moment is the CEO of Astorts Group. He is an UK FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) Approved Person and is has great experience as director of regulated companies. He uses to dedicate part of his life to inspire others and help them achieve the most out of their life. Since he was 20, he had successfully founded and managed several companies operating in the field of management consulting, wealth management and fintech. He loves travelling, he is a cigars lover, an amateur golfer and a dapper man.