Depression and other mental health problems are very common nowadays. It is very important to diagnose and treat them properly, otherwise they may lead to a negative outcome.
Mental health is one of the greatest concerns for many people. Millions of men all over the world suffer from depression, panic attacks, phobias. Any of these problems increases the risk of suicide. Fortunately, nowadays you can easily get help, improve your mental condition and overcome depression.
Gender differences in mental health
Studies show that women are more subject to depression than men, but at the same time women are more likely to look for help and go to the doctor. So, it means they are diagnosed more often.
Men and women have different signs of depression. While men can be just aggressive, angry and irritable; women have lack of energy, may feel sad or cry very often. Also man can take drugs or drink too much and thereby mask depression. It makes them less likely to be diagnosed and get proper treatment, though it could help them feel better or even save their lives.
Why people hide depression
Some men see depression as a weakness and try to maintain the image of a “tough guy”. Many people say men must be strong and never complain, so these expectations make it hard for men to accept that they have some mental problems and ask for help. Instead of getting help, some men hide their feelings or even see suicide as the best way to get rid of their pain. Undoubtedly, the best decision for a depressed man is to see a specialist, but some males absolutely refuse to do that. If you are one of them or you have a friend like that, you can try some of the following tips at first.
Things you can do for your mental health
Avoid drugs, cigarettes and alcohol
Although some people use these things to improve their mood, they actually make everything much worse. Yes, you can feel better when you drink or smoke, but after some time you will be more depressed. It can cause memory and coordination problems, confusion and eye problems. These things are contraindicated for people with mental health problems.
Be active and exercise
You don’t need to spend hours in gym, a short walk or a 15-minutes workout at home will have a positive impact too. Exercises boost chemicals in your brain and clear your mind, you feel a burst of energy. Activity helps to get rid of bad mood, anxiety, stress and laziness. It is good for your physical health as well.
Be social
When you are depressed, all you want is to stay alone. But you have to make an effort to go out and talk to people. Researches show that talking to others for fifteen minutes can considerably improve your mood, condition and even memory.
Sleep and eat well
Sleep helps us to recover and gain strength for another day. If you don’t get enough sleep, it affects your mood and emotions.
Eating well is important for both physical and mental health. You should consume enough minerals and vitamins. Also, exclude caffeine from your diet, as it can make you feel anxious.
Manage stress
Sometimes stress is inevitable. Write down your worries and you can see they are all manageable. Good strategy here is to solve them one by one. If you think about all of them at once, you will become overwhelmed for sure.
Help others
Helping people is not only good for them, it is good for you too. It may improve your self-esteem, make you feel an important part of the community. You can try volunteering or just help someone you know.
Enjoy the sunlight
This is the source of the vitamin D, which is very important for health. It helps our brain to release endorphins, serotonin and consequently improves our mood. That’s why when you come to hot counties you see people always smiling. Try to get 30 minutes to two hours of sun every day if possible, but make sure you protect your skin and eyes. If you live in a country with a lack of sunlight, you can try a special light-therapy lamp.
The benefits of treatment
Even though these tips may work good for some people, the best decision here is getting professional help. Remember that you can get rid of many mental health problems. There are different medications which are highly effective, though it may take some time to find the right one. At least 80% of patients fell better after they get therapy or antidepressant medication. To start, man should make an appointment with his doctor who can refer him to a decent psychologist or psychiatrist for diagnosis and proper treatment. Most men notice significant improvement after six months. Depression is a real disease and getting treatment is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength: you admit you have a problem and you care about yourself enough to solve it.
He uses to dedicate part of his life to inspire others and help them achieve the most out of their lives. Since he was 20, he had successfully founded and managed several companies operating in the field of management consulting, wealth management and fintech. He is Member of Institute of Directors in London, Member of Changer Club in Riga, Member of Fintech Association of Hong Kong, Member of Singapore Fintech Association, Member of Non Executive Director Association in London and Member of Alumni Network of Draper University in San Francisco. He loves travelling, he is a cigars lover, an amateur golfer and a dapper man.
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