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Role of Bots in Cryptocurrency Trading

If you are passionate about investing, new things and have a curious mind, then read my article about new bots in cryptocurrency trading, it can become very useful for you!

Investing in cryptocurrency can give very good results if you follow a good strategy and do it wisely. As you know the cryptocurrencies change their value dramatically, it is extremely high volatile asset to invest in, for one hour the game can change drastically. So, all these factors limit humans to trade it effectively giving an AI an opportunity to take over the scene.

Nowadays there are different cryptocurrency bots in the market doing all job instead of humans. Good news that they always evolve in sophistication and functionality meeting every need of investors — with new players entering the market routinely.

To get optimal revenue and benefit humans can not nor track all markets, nor have time to analyze them. It is obvious that AI bots with perfect ability to track and calculate immediately can achieve better deals by doing transactions on humans’ behalf. Thus, artificial intelligence gave us wonderful solution to trade effectively, track, monitor over the globe achieving best trades making money even when we sleep.

According its functions there are different types of bots

Arbitrage bots monitor prices across exchanges and make trades in order to take advantage of discrepancies.

Other types of bots use historical price data to test out trading strategies, theoretically offering investors a leg up.

The bots also range from free software that anyone can use to expensive subscription-based bots for professional crypto day traders.

Am I risking anything?

My answer is – Yes. Remember that you give money to a third party (software platforms)— and it is always a risk. Additionally, there are the added risks of potentially faulty software, heavy losses due to flash crashes and falling victim to a scam.

But as I mentioned before If you follow the right strategy and regularly adjust your bot's settings, it can be a great tool to help you with cryptocurrency trading decisions.

Do you have experience in cryptocurrency investing? What kind of bots have you came across? Share in the comments below! If you have your question, please write it below, I would be glad to answer your questions or to introduce your project to my team at Astorts Group to be evaluated.

Alessandro Rocco Pietrocola is an entrepreneur and investor based in London and operating mainly in Europe, Asia and Oceania with main focus on UK, Baltic Countries, Russia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Middle East and New Zealand as area of interest! At the moment is the Ceo of Astorts Group. He is an UK FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) Approved Person and is has great experience as director of regulated companies. He uses to dedicate part of his life to inspire others and help them achieve the most out of their life. Since he was 20, he had successfully founded and managed several companies operating in the field of management consulting, wealth management and fintech. He loves travelling, he is a cigars lover, an amateur golfer and a dapper man.


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